For people who are searching for Fatikchari To Teknaf To Fatikchari bus schedules and ticket price information, this article is for them. If you travel from Fatikchari To Teknaf To Fatikchari by bus, read this full article to get all the required information about the Fatikchari To Teknaf To Fatikchari route.
Fatikchari To Teknaf Bus Schedule &Ticket Price
On the Fatikchari To Teknaf route, bus traveling is the best. Bus schedule, ticket price, and bus counter leaving time on the Fatikchari To Teknaf route are given below:
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC |
SHANTI PARIBAHAN | 8:30 PM | — | 950 | — |
Teknaf To Fatikchari Bus Schedule &Ticket Price
ZA route has the same buses that run on the Fatikchari To Teknaf route. ZA bus schedule and ticket price information has added to the table given below:
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC |
SHANTI PARIBAHAN | — | — | 950 | — |
I hope you have correctly received the Fatikchari To Teknaf To Fatikchari bus schedules & bus ticket price information. The bus schedule can be changed at any time. So, check the schedule before you go to a bus counter; we will update the information if needed.