Many people travel from Narayanganj to Sylhet to Narayanganj by bus and if you also want, you have to pass 243.5 KM and you will totally need 6 hr 6 min via Dhaka Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2. Often people request us to inform them of the bus schedules and ticket prices of Narayanganj To Sylhet To Narayanganj roue. So today I am going to share with you all the information in detail.
Are you looking for the Narayanganj to Sylhet bus schedules and ticket prices? If yes, then this article will be the best for you. Al Mubarak bus is one of the popular buses on the Narayanganj to Sylhet route. So I will suggest you Al Mobarok bus for your journey. The ticket price is only 450 Tk.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Al Mubaraka | — | — | 450 | — |
Here you will be able to get Sylhet to Narayanganj bus schedules and ticket prices in detail. So if you need to travel from Sylhet to Narayanganj by bus then keep reading the following schedules patiently.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Al Mubaraka | — | — | 450 | — |
All the information in this article is based on some reliable sources. I always try to make the article update. Have a good journey.