Do you want to travel from Jamalpur to Faridpur to Jamalpur by bus? If yes, then this article is for you. It is a long-distance route and all the buses have to maintain the bus scheduel. If you want to travel by bus then you must know the bus schedules with the ticket prices. In this article, I am going to share with you all the information in detail.
Jamalpur to Faridpur is one of the popular routes where available buses run daily with lots of passengers. But all the buses are not suitable for traveling on Jamalpur to Faridpur route. Here is a bus schedule in the below table that is operating a comfortable and secure journey on the route for a long time with fidelity. So you can travel by bus and the ticket price for the bus is given below.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ahmed Travels | — | — | 600 | — |
Though Faridpur to Jamalpur is a popular and busy route, your journey won’t be enjoyable if you don’t travel by a reliable bus. So foremost, you have to find up a reliable bus as well as its schedule with the ticket price. It is very difficult to get it so I have already arranged here a bus schedule with the ticket prices. For more, focus on the following table.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Ahmed Travels | — | — | 600 | — |
I think if you follow all the information then you will have a sound journey. On the site, all the information collected from some authentic sources. Stay connected with us for more updates.