Many people travel from Gazipur to Cox’s Bazar to Gazipur by bus daily or sometimes. But most of the time they have to face problems in the bus station and on the way of the journey due to the lack of proper information of bus schedule and ticket price. To get rid of these problems, I have collected two bus schedules with ticket prices here. Please notice the information if you need it.
Gazipur To Cox’s Bazar Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
The two most popular buses named Shyamoli & Ena are on the operation on Gazipur to Cox’s Bazar route. The distance between Gazipur to Cox’s Bazar is 415.2 km via N1 and for the total trip, you will need 9 hr 57 min. The ticket prices of both buses are the same and within the reach.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 830 | — | |
ENA | — | — | 830 | 1200 |
Cox’s Bazar To Gazipur Bus Schedule & Ticket Price
Cox’s Bazar to Gazipur is a popular route and all the renowned buses run on the route. Shyamolie and ENA are the two reputed and well-known buses of the route that is serving the communication service trustfully. In the following table, I have added here the ticket price.
Bus Name | First Trip | Last Trip | Non-AC | AC | Counter |
Shyamoli | — | — | 830 | — | |
ENA | — | — | 830 | 1200 |
Now I am after the article. I think all the information given above will be sufficient for you. In case, if you need any information about the topic or any bus-related information then leave a comment below.