Bus Schedule

Dhaka To Brahmanbaria To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Dhaka to Brahmanbaria to Dhaka is a busy and popular route. Many people travel from Dhaka to Brahmanbaria to Dhaka to meet their daily needs. Often most of them come to the bus station to collect the bus schedules and ticket prices that are very painful to all and you may stand in a queue for hours. To get rid of all this I am here with all the reliable bus schedules and ticket prices on the route.

  • 3 hr 34 min (107.0 km) via AH1/N2
  • 4 hr 43 min (134.4 km) via Dhaka – Sylhet Hwy/AH1/N2
  • 4 hr 49 min (142.8 km) via Dhaka – Mymensingh Hwy/N3

Dhaka To Brahmanbaria Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Here I am going to share with you the Dhaka to Brahmanbaria train schedules and ticket prices in detail. Most of the time, the passengers have to face many problems to find the bus schedules and ticket prices. They are not being able to get all the property. So on this site, I have arranged some reliable bus schedules and ticket prices. Just have a look.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Shohag 250
Titash 250
Royal Coach 250
Tisha Coach 250
B.Baria Express 250 300
Kazi Paribahan 200
Labiba 200
Titas Transport 200
Uttara Transport 200

Brahmanbaria To Dhaka Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

There are many buses on Brahmanbaria to Dhaka route. But if you want to have an enjoyable and secure journey, I will suggest you Shohag or Titash buses that are very popular and running on the route for a long-time with a great reputation. So you will be able to travel by the Shohag or Titash buses. All the information about the bus is given below.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Shohag 250
Titash 250
Royal Coach 250
Tisha Coach 250
B.Baria Express 250 300
Kazi Paribahan 200
Labiba 200
Titas Transport 200
Uttara Transport 200

I hope all the information in this article will be adequate for you. Come to the site if you want to get more information on any bus schedule and ticket prices.