Bus Schedule

Chapainawabganj To Barisal To Chapainawabganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Most of us daily travel from Chapainawabganj to Barisal to Chapainawabganj by bus and frequently they ask for the bus schedule and ticket prices of the route. It is one of the long-distance routes. The total distance and price of the route are 9 hr 31 min (406.8 km) via Dhaka – Barisal Highway/Faridpur-Barisal Highway/N8, 11 hr 49 min (449.3 km) via Jessore – Jhenaidah Hwy, and 12 hr 34 min (463.9 km) via Dhaka – Rajshahi Hwy/N507 and Dhaka – Barisal Highway/Faridpur-Barisal Highway/N8.

Chapainawabganj To Barisal Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Chapainawabganj to Barisal is one of the popular and common routes.  Golden Line is the best bus transport of the route that is working for a long time with providing the best communication services to its passengers. For more information, focus on the following table carefully.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Golden Line 650

Barisal To Chapainawabganj Bus Schedule & Ticket Price

Barisal to Chapainawabganj is a route where many buses travel with hundreds of passengers. If you are one 0f them then this article is for you. There is a popular bus named Golden Line on the route and it runs daily from Barisal to Chapainawabganj. The ticket price for the bus is 650 Tk.

Bus Name First Trip Last Trip Non-AC AC Counter
Golden Line 650

I always try to make the article updated and all the information in this article is based on Bangladesh Railway.